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Push To Walk


Push to Walk Board Elects New Board Chair for 2019

PHONE:            (201)644-7567
EMAIL:             slajam@pushtowalknj.org

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – January 15, 2019

Push to Walk Board Elects New Board Chair for 2019

Oakland, NJ-Push to Walk, an Oakland based non-profit for people with spinal cord injuries and other forms of paralysis is pleased to announce the appointment of Anthony Aceti as the Board Chair.

Anthony Aceti has been actively involved with Push to Walk since his son became one of the organization’s first clients back in 2007. He joined the Board in January 2017 taking his wife’s place after completion of two terms of her own. Anthony immediately became a member of two different committees, Finance and Board Governance and was up for the challenge when being considered as Board Chair.

The December 2018 Board meeting marked the end of former Board Chair and Monmouth County resident, Paul Sutor’s term and the naming of Anthony Aceti has his successor. The organization thanks Sutor for his time on the Board and knows he will continue to maintain a relationship and role with Push to Walk for years to come. Role change is important and brings a fresh perspective and sparks new enthusiasm amongst the members of the Board.

“Over the past ten years, I have seen the amazing impact that Push to Walk has had on so many people, initially as a client family member and more recently serving on the Board of Trustees,” says Anthony Aceti. “While the Board’s responsibility is to oversee the financial well-being of the organization, it is the staff, clients and their families, and the generosity of donors that has and will continue to be the most important drivers in the growth of Push to Walk.”

Tony has more than forty years of experience as a certified public accountant, serving clients with a focus in the Alternative Investment and Not-For-Profit areas. Tony previously served on the board of other non-profits. In addition, he was a trustee and officer to the United Way of North Essex, Chairman of the Board of Barnabas Hospice, and President of the Montville Educational Foundation. He retired from KPMG in 2016. Tony and his wife, Susan, have two children, Lauren and Brian, and enjoy spending time with their grandchild.

For more information, please contact Stephanie Lajam at 201-644-7567 or visit the Push to Walk website: www.pushtowalknj.org.


About Push to Walk

Founded in 2007, Push to Walk is an organization that provides individualized workouts and resources to people with spinal cord injuries and other forms of paralysis to optimize current quality of life and to prepare for future medical advancements. It is the only program of its kind in the New York-New Jersey area. Push to Walk’s rigorous one-on-one workout approach challenges clients to reach their personal goals and achieve maximum independence, leading to greater success and fulfillment in their personal and professional lives. A 501(C)3 non-profit, Push to Walk is located in Oakland, New Jersey. Visit www.pushtowalknj.org to learn more.