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Push To Walk


Push to Walk Sponsoring Working 2 Walk Symposium

PHONE: (862) 200-5848
EMAIL: slajam@pushtowalknj.org


Push to Walk Sponsoring Working 2 Walk Symposium

Riverdale, NJ – Push to Walk, a non-profit organization that provides individualized workouts and resources to people with spinal cord injuries and other forms of paralysis, will be a sponsor at this year’s Working 2 Walk Symposium in Bethesda, MD.

September 27-28, 2015 will mark the weekend of the Working 2 Walk Symposium, hosted by Unite 2 Fight Paralysis in Bethesda, MD. This is an annual conference, bringing together over 200 scientific researchers, community members, and advocates to discuss and learn the latest in paralysis research and curative therapies. Each morning there will be formal presentations given to the entire conference, followed by small group discussions in the afternoon. Discussions will cover cutting-edge surgeries and non-invasive therapies, which can permit major developments in SCI and paralysis recovery.

Push to Walk trainers have attended the Working 2 Walk Symposium for the past several years. Each year brings new presentations of the most recent breakthroughs in the spinal cord injury and paralysis community from highly regarded speakers, including medical professionals and doctors. Push to Walk values the Working 2 Walk Symposium as a terrific means of resource sharing and is happy to be a part of this event as a sponsor again.

“The opportunity to have our training staff attend such a valuable conference to learn and stay up on community breakthroughs is something that our team looks forward to all year.” Said Cynthia Templeton, President of Push to Walk. “The knowledge, professional networking and idea sharing that our staff members bring back to Push to Walk only enhances our eagerness to continue to carry out our mission.”

Donation opportunities are available on the Push to Walk website: www.pushtowalknj.org. For more information, please contact Stephanie Lajam at (862) 200-5848 or slajam@pushtowalknj.org.

About Push to Walk
Founded in 2007, Push to Walk is an organization that provides individualized workouts and resources to people with spinal cord injuries and other forms of paralysis to optimize current quality of life and to prepare for future medical advancements.  It is the only program of its kind in the New York- New Jersey area.  Push to Walk’s rigorous one-on-one workout approach challenges clients to reach their personal goals and achieve maximum independence, leading to greater success and fulfillment in their personal and professional lives. Push to Walk is unable to cover all of its operating costs through client fees, and relies on grants and fundraising events to help make up the difference. A 501(C)3 non-profit, Push to Walk is located in Riverdale, New Jersey. Visit www.pushtowalknj.org to learn more.